SSG-Literature Fast and Direct

German Version a-z Tⁿbingen University Library

o SSG-S: the document-delivery-service of the Tübingen University Library:
Order articles and books from our special collections at a moderate price.

You can place your order:
via mail: Postfach 2620, D - 72016 Tübingen, GERMANY via Fax: +49 7071/29-2833
via e-mail: Right here in the Web

o You will get the ordered literature within shortest time via mail, Fax or as electronic document.

CHARGES via mail: via FAX: electronic document:
per article: DM 8 DM 10 DM 5
per book: DM 10 bzw. DM 15 --> Delivery of entire books is restricted to Germany (DM 10), to Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands (DM 15 each). Only books published after 1960.

o We can only deliver literature that is held and available in the Tübingen University Library.
o If you need further information, please call +49 7071/29-72833 or mail to
o The SSG-S-document-delivery-service is sponsored by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) .

How to order:

o Please demand our free order form or get it here via FileTransfer(internet-link: "") (TIF-file, 550 kb).
o Order right here in the Web!
o If you are not using the order form please do not forget to provide:
o Payment:

Delivery as electronic document:

You can get your copy through the internet in electronic form. The pages are scanned and stored as one image file per page. We provide the article according to your order in the following way:

o Via FTP (File Transfer Protocol):
o Files are strored in TIF-graphics-format.
o If you want to get your article as an electronic document, please pay attention to the following:

The special collections / die S onder S ammel G ebiete (SSGs)

Sponsored by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) , the Tübingen University Library is extensively collecting literature in the following fields:

o Theology
o Comparative religion
o Ancient Near East
o Mediaeval and Modern Near and Middle East including Northern Africa
o South Asia / Indology

The collections in these fields of knowledge are oustanding not only in Germany but worldwide.

Our document delivery service is focused primarily on the said fields, but of course we will also work on your order if it deals with other subjects.

Click for more informationon our special collections

An overview and first approach to other special collections in German libraries is given by the WEBIS-project.(internet-link: "") Apart from Tübingen, there are further SSG-S document delivery services at the ULB Saarbrücken(internet-link: "") (psychology), the Senckenbergische Bibliothek Frankfurt / Main(internet-link: "") (biology, zoology, botany) and the SUBGöttingen(internet-link: "") (American studies, English language and literature).

Web-Team - 17.07.97

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or get it here via FileTransfer(


Get your article now !(

imageprocessing software (PSP311.ZIP)(


ULB Saarbrücken(

Senckenbergische Bibliothek Frankfurt / Main(
